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FENDT 1050 Vario
FENDT 1050 Vario

FENDT 1050 Vario

:På lager
SKU: X991016082000
39,90 €

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Fendt 1050 Vario is now entering the playroom.The enormous proportions of the original machine are optimally matched by the SIKU model, which is made from metal and plastic. The new look of the bonnet is just as detailed as the new rear tyres, which have a changed size. The steerable front axle has a sprung function. The huge bonnet can be opened, and the cab can be removed. SIKU standard couplings are fitted at front and rear. scale: 1:32
Mer informasjon
Produktnavn FENDT 1050 Vario
Farge Fendt Green
Manufacturer recommended age Egnet for barn over 3 år
Skala 1:32
Produsent Siku