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FENDT 1167 Vario MT

FENDT 1167 Vario MT

:På lager
SKU: X991021001000
149,90 €

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The Fendt 1167 Vario MT comes from the powerful Vario 1100 MT model series. The true-to-scale and detailed replica of the Fendt 1165 Vario MT in 1:32 scale will make many collectors' hearts beat faster. From the folding staircase, the movable rear hydraulics to the engine hood opening, the model convinces in all facets. In order to reflect the powerful dynamics of this series as a collector model, the model builder USK Scalemodels placed particular emphasis on a high metal content. Lamps, mirrors, railings and the massive and wide chassis round off the positive overall picture. The first edition of the Fendt 1167 Vario MT is 1,000 pieces.
Mer informasjon
Produktnavn FENDT 1167 Vario MT
Farge Fendt Green
Manufacturer recommended age Egnet for barn over 14 år
Skala 1:32
Produsent USK Scalemodels