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Fendt Shopper
Fendt Shopper

Fendt Shopper

:På lager
SKU: X991021113000
26,91 €

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The Fendt Shopper with an ahoy effect!

When you look at it you can hear the sound of the waves, the whistling wind and the seagulls – even when you are in line at the supermarket. The Fendt shopper exudes a maritime flair wherever it goes. There are many opportunities to take it out; this large bag with its distinct grey bottom, which protects it from dirt and highlights the brightness of the colours, is an ultimate solution. Ideal for shopping at the market or in the city; going to the beach or on weekend trips. For everyone who loves some extra inspiration from the sea. Ahoy!

Specials: height (cm): 40; width (cm): 46; depth (cm): 14; material: polyester; special feature: organizer function.
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